Lazuli and the Numbers

Personalized Assessment

Bonus function: Parents or education specialists can compare the child’s results with other children of the same age. But it’s not a competition; it’s about promptly identifying any developmental issues.

Personalized Assessment FAQs

When a child tries out Lazuli’s brainteasers for the very first time, a feature in the app’s background counts the number of attempts the child needs to successfully complete the games. These results are then compared with the stored data set for the age-matched reference groups to serve as a guide for the adult.
If the child received help or was distracted the first time they played the game, you can create a new player and allow the child to play again. While this skews the result a little in favor of the child, larger problems will still be noticeable.

Yes, absolutely. To ensure the child’s data does not leave the device, we already collated the comparative data sets before the app was released. And if you want to get the latest comparative data set, all you need is a Wi-Fi connection. Privacy is very important to us. You can find more detailed information on this in our privacy policy.

The Parents or Info section under “Assessment” contains graphs, where you can see how many attempts the child needed to solve a certain brainteaser in the respective degree of difficulty.

The meaning of each of the bar colors:
Pale gray: The game has been tried but not yet completed
Green: The child needed fewer attempts than the average in order to correctly solve this specific brainteaser
Orange: The child needed more attempts than most children of the same age 

The dark-gray bars in the background show the average results of the age-matched comparative group.

Firstly, don’t let this worry you. Check the following points:
Was it quiet enough in the room when the game was on? Was the child distracted? Where the instructions loud enough? Had the correct age been entered in the settings?
In most cases, the results are of no concern whatsoever. But it is not unheard of for children to repeatedly be unable to solve a particular task. That’s where the Lazuli app can provide initial indication of potential problems with mathematical skills. It’s important to note, however, that, while Lazuli is based on scientific findings, the game cannot and should not replace a doctor’s diagnosis.

Classic dyscalculia is often not detected until grade two or three, by which time children and parents have already been through a significant ordeal. But if the adults are alerted to these “partial impairments” sooner, the impairments can be preventively addressed with targeted support, which is why we’ve developed this assessment function.

An orange bar certainly doesn’t mean you have to race off to the doctor. If you would like to assist your child, you can simply allow them to play this special game in various degrees of difficulty. Sometimes it just ends up being that the child didn’t know what a certain number looked like, for example. This can quickly be remedied in a fun, motivating way. If you want to practice a certain skill using various games, you can also have a look through the collection to see which games address the same skill. Because there’s one thing Lazuli should be, and that’s fun.